Curve Wars Part 2: The Kingmaker of DeFi Convex

Curve wars

In part 1, we went over Curve Finance and what makes it so attractive to investors. In this article, we will explore a relatively new addition to the Curve ecosystem called Convex Finance. Convex Finance developed a protocol specifically for CRV staking. Since staking on Curve requires long lock-up times, Convex allows stakers to unstake … Read more

Curve Wars Part 1: The King of DeFi

Curve wars

As of writing, Curve Finance is the second largest protocol in all of DeFi, with a TVL (Total Value Locked) of $14.43 billion. CRV has been gaining a lot of attention as of late due to what is referred to as the “Curve Wars”. The Curve Wars is essentially different protocols making million dollar bribes … Read more